Duh! (1995)
1. Where Are My Shoes?
2. Peas In A Pod
3. When The Well Runs Dry
4. Other Peoples Cabs
5. Moving My Shit
6. Hairpie
7. School Factory
8. 14
9. Duh!
10. Love So Odd
11. Blanky
Duh! (1995)
Unreleased 2002 Album
Grin - Part Of Me (1989)
Nathan Camifiord's From Astronaut, Groove, And God Finding Tools' solo recorded side project around 90' - 91'
Demos (1991?)
Best Left Forgotten - Palpitating Rythm (2003?) (no availible photo at the time the epic screamo band from north dakota has moree shit! as ...